Jyoti Dental Clinic


General Instructions following Surgery: Extractions & Impactions

What should I do after surgery?

Our clinic has prepared the following list of post-operative instructions for our patients.

Do Not Disturb Wound

Keep fingers and tongue away from area.  You may cause irritation and bleeding.

Do Not Rinse Mouth the Day Of Surgery

You may brush your teeth, excluding the surgical areas. The next day you may rinse gently with warm salt water- three times a day is sufficient. If you wish to use mouthwash, be sure to dilute it with equal amount of water.  Continue rinses for the next week.


Fold two 2x2 gauze pads and place over the extraction site (sites). Gently bite to apply pressure for 20 to 30 minutes. The pad should be thick enough that the front teeth do not touch. This is the best way to stop bleeding and should be repeated as often as needed. Rest with head elevated until bleeding stops. Do not expectorate (spit). Expectoration increases bleeding.


To prevent post-operative infection one should maintain good oral hygiene. Starting 24 hours after surgery rinse mouth with warm salt water (1/2 teaspoon salt in 8 oz. of warm water) 4 to 6 times a day and brush teeth after meals and at bedtime. Avoid vigorous rinsing and sucking on the wound. These actions increase bleeding.


Swelling will become progressively worse after 2 days, and may not subside completely for 7 days. The application of ice packs during the first 24 hours may help reduce swelling. Apply for 10 minutes On and 10 minutes Off over the operated side. Do not go to sleep with ice pack in place and be sure to wrap accordingly.


Stiffness of the jaw is also nature’s way of resting the bone which needs to be repaired.  The stiffness begins to relax after about 4-6 days.  Warm mouth rinses and heat (heating pad, hot water bottle, or a warm wet towel) applied to the surgical site for 10-15 minutes 4-6 times daily will be comforting.


Good nutrition is necessary for proper healing. Following oral and maxillofacial surgery it is often necessary to take a liquid or semi-liquid diet of soups, puddings, custards, and blenderized foods. Smaller multiple meals help one to consume adequate nutrition.


Smoking is detrimental to your health and healing after oral and maxillofacial surgery. Do not smoke.


Post-operative pain should be expected and may be most severe the first day. It will diminish each day thereafter.


Take any medications prescribed by Dr. Dinesh as indicated on the label. Do not drive or do anything dangerous if you are taking pain medication. Nausea is a common side effect of pain medications.


Swallowing blood, pain medication, not eating, or the surgery itself may cause you to feel nauseous or have an upset stomach.  If taking a narcotic pain reliever, discontinue.  Make sure you are getting enough to eat.  In severe cases if vomiting, we can prescribe medication.


A low grade fever is common after oral and maxillofacial surgery. Contact the office for temperature of 100 degrees or above.

Commercial mouth rinses

Commercial mouthwashes should be diluted 1/2 by water or use as per printed instruction on the mouthwash bottle.


Avoid exercise until clearance is given by Dr. Dinesh. If you received a general anesthetic or sedation do not drive, return to work, or return to school the day of your surgery.

Dry Socket

If a blood clot does not form properly in the socket or a clot is disturbed following surgery, the socket remains “dry” for a period of time and heals more slowly than usual.  A dry socket can be quite painful because it leaves the bone within the socket exposed to air, food, saliva, and fluids.  Things to avoid for one to two weeks that may help prevent a dry socket include:

1. Smoking
2. Sucking fluids with a straw
3. Vigorous rinsing
4. Vigorous exercise (during the first 3-5 days after surgery)
5. Sucking on cough drops, suckers, candy, etc.
6. No spitting (including toothpaste)


Any difficulty which you consider abnormal contact our office immediately.

The First Day after Surgery

1. Hygiene: Return to your normal brushing routine, being very careful around extraction site(s).
2. Avoid using full-strength mouthwashes for 2 weeks.
3. Begin using a warm salt-water rinse (1/4 teaspoon salt in a glass of warm water) every 2-3 hours for 3 days.
4. Pain and swelling is normal and expected, and may last for 10-14 days. Don’t be alarmed if the third day is the worst.
5. Continue eating soft foods. You may begin to gradually return to your normal diet as tolerated.
6. Avoid spicy foods and drinks for 2 weeks.

The Following Days after Surgery

1. Sutures/Stitches: You may have sutures placed in your mouth to control the bleeding and hasten healing.
2. If you have been given an irrigation syringe, beginning on the 3rd day following surgery, fill it with salt water to flush the lower molar sockets. Use syringe 1-2 times daily for 3-4 weeks (until socket is closed).
3. If swelling is still present on the 4th or 5th day following surgery, then begin using a warm moist compress for the next several days.

Excessive Bleeding

(Only follow these instructions if experiencing severe bleeding)

1. Rinse mouth with cool water and gently wipe away blood clots with a clean piece of gauze or a tissue.
2. Take a large amount of gauze or 2 tea bags moistened with water and place over bleeding area and close mouth, applying constant pressure.
3. Remain quiet and in a sitting position for 20-30 minutes.
4. Repeat steps 1 and 3 until bleeding is controlled.
5. If these instructions have been followed in detail and excessive bleeding persists, you should call our office.